Our services are based on Early Steps evaluations and your family’s concerns, resources, and goals. Most services will be early intervention home visits.
Support for Your Family
Each family will work with a Family Resource Special (FRS). This is a parent of a child with special needs who has walked a similar path and understands the pressures and sacrifies that parents and other caregivers go through to raise their unique children.
At Space Coast Early Steps, our Family Resource Specialist is Mary Cancel. You and your family can look forward to working with Mary throughout your journey in Early Steps program.
I will ask for feedback from you about our services to ensure diverse input regarding programs, policies and delivery of Florida’s Early Intervention services.
Road Map of Services
When a referral is made SCES will contact you to set up an intake meeting.
This is where we gather your information and concerns and schedule your evaluation appointment.
The Evaluation will determine if your child is eligible for the Early Steps Program.
If eligible for services the team (including you) develop a plan of “what’s next”.
If not found eligible, no further testing is needed. Resources will be provided as appropriate.
Services take place in the natural environment where your childlives, learns and plays.
We coach you to embed strategies into your already established everyday routines.
Reviews happen every 6 months. There are 6 month reviews and annual reviews to discuss progress, review any changes, see if you are ready for discharge, and determine any next steps.
6 Months prior to your child’s 3rd birthday we will develop a transition plan. A Transition conference is held to discuss next steps.
Early Steps ends the day before your child’s 3rd birthday.
Once your Outcomes have been met; you no longer have concerns; services are no longer needed; or your child is turning 3 years of age, you will be discharged.
The options are endless but can include public school services, private therapy or no services if not needed.
Family Resource Newsletter
View our monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date with what’s happening with Space Coast Early Steps.
Brevard County Community Resources